Bishop Thomas J. Tobin kicked off the 14th season of his “Keep the Heat On” initiative by presenting a check for $5,000 to a Rhode Island veteran’s organization so that it can assist more local veterans in need of heating assistance. (Photo: RI Catholic)
PROVIDENCE — Spring in the Ocean State has been always unpredictable — making the popular quotation, “if you don’t like the weather in New England now, just wait a few minutes,” — ring even more true....
Editor’s Note: In this second and final installment of a series on the difficulties faced by Rhode Island heating consumers during the winter months, Rhode Island Catholic staff reporter Lauren Clem reports on utility regulation and a recent proposal to raise base distribution rates for heating and electric service. (Photo: RI Catholic)
Editor’s Note: In this first installment of a series on the difficulties faced by Rhode Island heating consumers during the winter months, Rhode Island Catholic staff reporter Lauren Clem reports on the continued impact of January’s cold snap. (PHOTO: LAUREN CLEM)
Michael Ryan, director of government affairs for National Grid Rhode Island, and Ed White, executive director of the National Grid Foundation, presented Bishop Thomas J. Tobin and James Jahnz, emergency assistance network coordinator for the diocese, with a $100,000 donation to the “Keep the Heat On” program. (Photo: RI Catholic)
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence today received a $100,000 donation from the National Grid Foundation for its ‘Keep the Heat On’ heating assistance program. (Photo: RI Catholic)
Sunday, December 10th at 3:00pm in the Cathedral of Saints Peter & Paul, Providence - to benefit Bishop Tobin's Keep the Heat On Fund (Photo: RI Catholic)
College students John Perino, left, and Cassandra Lin stopped by the diocesan chancery building last week to donate a certificate for 1,000 gallons of biofuel to Bishop Thomas J. Tobin’s “Keep the Heat On” program. (Photo: RI Catholic)
As we approach the end of 2016 and the last chance to make a tax-deductible charitable donation to a program that makes a real impact and fulfills a real need for Rhode Islanders, please consider a donation in any amount in support of Keep the Heat On. (Photo: RI Catholic)